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Possession of Marijuana Lawyer Will Fight to Get Charges Dismissed

Marijuana possession is still illegal in Texas and is considered a controlled substance. Although some juries in the state won’t convict a person of minor marijuana possession, other juries will. A marijuana charge can change your life. It is important to hire a possession of marijuana lawyer as soon as possible.

The San Antonio marijuana defense lawyer at Gireud | Hobbs, PLLC represent a wide range of clients facing all levels of marijuana charges – students, legal permanent residents, juveniles, adults with no prior criminal records, and undocumented immigrants. If you or a loved one has arrested for possession, sale, distribution or any other marijuana-related crime, call (210) 787-3916 to schedule a free consultation or contact us online.

Marijuana Conviction Consequences

Texas marijuana laws are among the harshest in the United States. Any marijuana conviction will lead to a driver’s license suspension for 6 months. If convicted of possession of four ounces or more or marijuana (up to five pounds), you will face up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine. You will have a felony criminal record.

Even if you give someone up to eight ounces, with no money changing hands, you still face up to 1 year in jail and a $4,000 fine.

Apart from the legal consequences, you will face other problems as well. This could keep you from getting student loans. It could stand in the way of getting jobs or housing. You’ll have a criminal record for life even if Texas later legalizes marijuana. It can affect your immigration status and potentially result in deportation. Any drug crimes charge is serious and needs a strong legal defense.

We Fight for the Best Possible Outcome for You

The most common marijuana charge is possession of two ounces or less. Our lawyers will fight to have these charges dismissed altogether. However, when the district attorney will not dismiss the charges, then our South Texas drug defense attorney will fight to obtain “deferred adjudication” (This means that you will have little or no jail time and you will have no criminal record at the end of the one-year probationary period if you adhere to the conditions of your probation) or, if you’re willing to fight the case, set your case for trial and ask the jury to do what the prosecutors would not – let you go and continue your life.

There are other ways to fight pot possession charges. Maybe you were holding a bag for a friend and had no knowledge that it contained the marijuana. Maybe it was not marijuana at all, even though the police said it was, without testing it. Maybe the police found only traces of marijuana but still charged you. In that case, we will argue that the quantity found was not useable. In order for possession to be a crime, a person must be able to use the marijuana. Trace amounts are not usable quantities.

Contact Our Possession of Marijuana Lawyer for a Free Consultation.

If you or your child faces marijuana possession charges, get immediate legal help. Call Gireud | Hobbs, PLLC at (210) 787-3916 to schedule a free consultation. Learn how our former prosecutor can build a strong defense for you or your child.

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